Make your hotel famous to the world through the eyes of those who have
visited! Make your guests feel important by sharing their experiences online:
they are your most valuable testimonials. You can be sure: the shared
memories of your travelers will create new ones.
People love to share, especially the pleasant moments spent in the most
beautiful places. It is
no coincidence that
showing your
vacation photos is a
habit that has been
around for ages: first
by flipping through
family photo albums,
today by posting them
in real-time for
followers. Seize this opportunity: let guests show the unique aspects of your
Other people's photos are much more effective than just positive reviews.
Authentic user-generated content, shared in dynamic video tours, helps
create a virtual experience with a dedicated section on your website, really
makes a difference in terms of truthfulness and engagement. They will make
past and new guests feel part of a shared yet exclusive experience. A story
they want to be a part of.